Get Smart Wiki

The poker table at Max's apartment, here being used for a séance conducted by medium Madame Borova.

A family of comparing card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules [Wikipedia].

As part of an undercover operation, Maxwell Smart visits an illegal casino with instructions to appear a loser but instead he ends up winning at everything. Playing poker, he intentionally discards four kings, only to then draw four aces. He then quits because "I'm too lucky at this game."

[Episode #16: "Double Agent"].

In his bachelor days Max hosted a Saturday night poker game at his apartment, even obtaining an oversized table for the purpose. As he explained to 99, "you need a big table when you have a 27-handed poker game."

On at least one occasion, he played poker at Aaron Feldman's house. Other players at that game were Pete Benson, Bernie Croman, Ray Gerber and Jerry Harris.

[Episode #64: "The Spy Who Met Himself.]

During their final showdown, Max and KAOS agent Victor Royal agree to settle their differences with "one hand of poker, five-card showdown, the winner kills the loser." (Royal cheats with a deck containing two aces of spades.)

[Episode #79: "99 Loses CONTROL".]

Poker also features in the following instances:

  • After someone feeds a deck of cards into CONTROL's X-22 Computer all it will do is play poker with the CIA computer. It can't be reprogrammed because it's $32 behind [Episode #92: "The Worst Best Man"].
  • "Ace" Weems, district director of the Tarpaulin Insurance Company reveals that he got the nickname "Ace" when he and his poker-playing buddies "King" Garrity and "Jack" Palermo began naming themselves after the cards ("It was either that or 'Queen'") [Episode #130: "The Mess of Adrian Listenger"].
  • Three off-duty CONTROL agents have been participating in a poker game which has been running for more than two years at CONTROL Headquarters . Harry is the heavy winner, and the others won't let him quit until they have a chance to get even [Novel #1: "Get Smart!"].